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You’ve paid a lot for great branding and worked hard on the visibility of your business, ensuring that you have good signage, branding your vehicles, creating a striking website and dedicating time and resources to your social media presence, not to mention spending money every month on advertising. One area you may have neglected, however, is how your staff can be an advert for your business, not only in the way in which they conduct themselves, but in how they are dressed. If you have noticed any of the following signs, you should consider a branded company uniform:


  1. When customers walk into your business, can they immediately identify staff? If customers have to approach a counter for assistance instead of asking staff on the floor, it suggests that your staff are not easily identifiable. You may be missing out on opportunities for sales as some customers may not be bothered to seek out staff. A branded uniform ensures that your staff are visible and available to assist.
  2. Do you have to reprimand staff members because of the way they are dressed? Without a uniform, standards of dress are difficult to enforce as everyone has different definitions of ‘appropriate workwear’ and even if your dress code is quite specific, you may find certain employees pushing the envelope. A branded company uniform eliminates confusion and ensures everyone is suitably dressed, making them good ambassadors for your business.
  3. Are you having issues with teamwork? One of the great advantages of having a company uniform is that it fosters a sense of belonging and morale among staff. If you are finding disharmony in your organisation, dressing everyone in a uniform may help. It creates a sense of pride and helps with buy-in to the company values.
  4. Are you having issues with security? Having various uniforms for different divisions of the business can assist with ensuring that people remain in their designated areas, adding an extra layer of security.
  5. Does your company have to comply with workplace safety requirements? If so, issuing employees with workwear which meets safety standards is essential. If your staff are issued with the correct personal protective equipment, they are less likely to be injured on duty and more likely to perform their jobs well.

If your uniforms are branding, it also helps with exposure, making your employees walking advertisements for your business and reinforcing brand awareness in the community.



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